LG Playing Key Role in 6G Development

LG Selected to Lead Next G Alliance’s Applications Working Group

LG Playing Key Role in 6G Development

SEOUL, June 15, 2021 – LG Electronics (LG) announces the election of Dr. Lee Ki-dong, principal research engineer at the Research and Standards Lab in LG USA, as chairperson of the Applications Working Group of the Next G Alliance until 2023, the industry initiative of the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) to advance mobile technology leadership in 6G for the next decade and beyond in North America.


Setting the stage for the eventual commercialization of 6G, the Next G Alliance, a collaboration of about 50 leading information and communications companies all working toward the common objective of advancing 6G technology, will influence and encompass the full lifecycle of research and development, manufacturing, standardization and market readiness. Within the Next G Alliance, the Applications Working Group is responsible for identification, assessment and steering the landscape of 6G technology use case scenarios, coordinating with other Next G Alliance groups to advance the 6G roadmap in North America.


Spearheading LG’s leadership in the Next G Alliance is Dr. Lee, who has been actively involved for over 20 years in research and standardization of mobile and satellite communications systems in various organizations, including IEEE and 3GPP. He previously served as Vice Chairman at as 3GPP System Architecture Working Group 1 from 2015 to 2019 and extended his specialty to the automotive industry. Dr. Lee received his Ph.D. in Operations Research, Industrial and Systems Engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).


“The work of the Next G Alliance is paving the way for 6G, and the Applications Working Group will play a key role in defining the future of telecommunications,” said Dr. Lee. “LG has a long and storied history as a leader in the wireless technology space and it’s an honor to be able to represent LG in this important initiative.”


As a pioneer in vehicle-to-everything (V2X) innovations, LG sees the importance of 6G for the future of mobility. A mobile system that transmits information at high speed via ultra-responsive, ultra-reliable and ultra-low latency connection is essential to the success of next-generation autonomous vehicles. Low latency is critical when cars are travelling at high speeds and communication from vehicle to vehicle, vehicle to infrastructure or vehicle to pedestrian through 6G can help prevent accidents for a safer driving experience.


LG Electronics has been active in 6G research for some time, launching the LG-KAIST 6G Research Center in South Korea in 2019 as well as partnering with the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science to study emerging 6G technologies. Earlier this year, LG and KAIST brought on board Keysight Technologies Inc., a global manufacturer of wireless telecommunication testing and measuring equipment, to take the collaboration to the next level.

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