(2) If the LG Hong Kong official product is not purchased from the dealer listed above,
the product is also entitled to LGEHK official warranty services as long as the label of 「LG香港行貨」(LG HK Authorized Official Product) is
attached to the LG Hong Kong official product purchased with the original official invoice accompanied at the customer service centre of LGEHK.
The regarding warranty services provided is in accordance with the terms and conditions of LGEHK official warranty services*.

#LGEHK reserves the right to modify and edit the above authorized dealers lists without any notification made separately in advance.
The changes will be solely announced on LGEHK’s official website.
This is recommended to check at LGEHK’s official website https://www.lg.com/hk_en/ before purchasing LG products.
*The above LGEHK official warranty services will be bound by the Warranty Terms and Conditions which also attached upon purchase of LG authorized
Hong Kong official products. Customer can also refer to the following address: https://www.lg.com/hk_en/support/warranty-terms
LGEHK reserves the right to modify the abovementioned terms and conditions anytime at LGEHK discretion, without any notification made separately to
customers in advance. Any changes made to the said terms will be announced on LGEHK’s official website https://www.lg.com/hk_en/