No More Microwave Myths.


Microwave has changed our way of cooking, given to the fact that it has benefited households who are not able to cope up with their busy schedule. Moreover, cooking in a microwave retains the natural flavour in food, assuring a healthy life. Reduced cooking time means that more vitamins and minerals are retained. Hence, a microwave not only cooks faster but is also healthier and convenient to use. As a result, traditional homes too have added it in their kitchen and of course, as an appliance which helps them to explore their culinary creativity.


But the major factor which has hindered its popularity and acceptance are few myths still believed to exist in people’s mind. People believe that it releases harmful radiation that affects their health causing physical abnormalities. On the contrary, studies reveal that the limit of radiation is far below the level known to harm people. So before buying, it is better to know more about a microwave and how food is cooked in it.  In a Microwave, food is cooked by the heat produced as a result of absorption of microwave energy by water molecules in the food. This agitates the water molecules making them to vibrate producing heat. One can use containers like glass, paper, ceramic or plastic in cooking as the micro-waves can pass through these materials.


Unlike western countries where people use microwaves widely because of their busy schedule, people in India are way behind accepting microwaves as an alternative way to cook. The microwave is not able to replace the maid employed even in working couples house. This is due to lack of knowledge about microwaves, its benefits and uses.


Keeping with the needs of customers, Indian companies have introduced microwaves which are light and easily movable. They are also coming up with a gamut of attractive designs to fit into their interiors and their lifestyle. Today, Microwaves come with multi-functional features which make it handy and efficient and at the same time provide easy solutions to various cooking methods. We are hopeful that with all these benefits and usefulness, the microwave will be accepted widely in Indian households, making it an indispensable appliance in their homes.


