Benefits for corporate employee program

Sign-up to become
MyLG member today!

Enjoy incredible offers and benefits exclusively crafted for corporate employees.

How it works

Verification's a breeze, setting you up for discount shopping in no time

1. Select a program

2. Verify email

3. Start shopping and saving


Q1. Who can access the partner shop?

Employees within the whitelisted corporate structure or authorized partners can participate in the program.

Q2. When I try to log in, I get the message "You are not eligible to participate in the program.”

If you see this message, it is possible your business may not be registered with

Q3. How do I sign up for the partner shop?

To inquire about participating, please connect with your Human Resources Manager or Employee Benefits Manager at

Q4. Do I need an LG account?

Yes, an LG account is required for verification to access discounts.

Q5. Can I get international delivery?

No, unfortunately, delivery is currently limited to addresses within India. Please ensure all delivery details are accurate.

Q6. What can I buy?

The partner shop offers exclusive savings on a wide range of LG products available on

Q7. Are discounts transferable?

 No, the partner shop discounts are not transferable to other people.

Q8. Can I combine discounts?

No, discounts offered through the partner shop cannot be combined with other offers, benefits, or promotions available on