Upgrade to VIP program

VIP program - terms and conditions

The LG VIP shop (hereinafter "LG shop") of LG electronics philippines, Inc. (hereinafter "LG Electronics") is a program/website that allows purchasers from the site https://www.lg.com/ph/ (hereinafter, "Site") to access promotions, special offers or addional features as per the discretion of LG electronics, subject to tge terms and conditions. Terms and conditions
1. It is at the sole and absolute discretion of LG electronics as to who may gain access to the LG shop.
2. Only users who have an active LG account and have unconditionally accepted these terms and conditions can use the LG shop website. You can create an account by signing up at the following url https://www.lg.com/ph/login/ and then accept these terms and conditions. The cancellation of the account, for whatever reason, automatically cancels the right to use the LG shop website.

3. The receipt of any discount, special offer, promotion or similar is at the total discretion of LG electronics.
4. LG electronics reserves the right to inhibit, suspend, modify or revoke the use or account related to the LG shop at any time, for any reason and without prior notice.
5. Since the LG shop may provide favorable offers or features relating to the purchase of LG products than what are normally available on the market, the user is aware that the granting of access to the LG shop constitutes a preferential treatment and is not available to all. For this reason, and in order to preserve the exclusivity and effectiveness of the LG shop, the user undertakes to keep the strictest confidentiality and not to disclose to third parties any information regarding the LG shop, including its existence, in particular reference, by way of example but not limited to, to prices, offers and conditions of sale.
6. The number of items that may be purchased on the LG shop may be restricted or limited to a certain extent at the sole and absolute discretion of LG Electronics. User undertakes that the purchase of LG electronics products is strictly for user’s personal use as an end-user, and any unauthorized re-sell of such products by user in the market is strictly forbidden by LG electronics, and shall void the warranty.
7. LG electronics reserves its right to withdraw any user’s access to LG shop, should LG Electronics have reasonable doubt that such user commits any violation under the terms and conditions.
8. For anything not specified herein, please refer to any terms and conditions shown on the LG shop website. The terms and conditions of the VIP program and the LG shop website shall both apply simultaneously, suppletorily and in reference of each other.

By clicking accept, the user fully and unconditionally accepts these terms and conditions.

VIP program - privacy policy

In addition to our general privacy and cookies policy,
we shall also collect, process, store and disclose your unique company access details (such as but not limited to, company specific email) to enable and provide you the services, offers and discounts particular and specific only on the LG VIP Shop.