SuperSign Media Editor: Professional Editor to Process Your Work Efficiently

SuperSign Media Editor is professional editor software which allows you to create and edit content with various layouts to choose from. Find out more below.

SuperSign Media Editor

SuperSign Media Editor

Discover the Professional editor, configuring the designed layout with template and make your work process smarter and faster.


SuperSign Media Editor is Professional editor software.

Creation of Various Media

SuperSign Media Editor is Professional editor software.

Example of when creating content via SuperSign Media editor

Customized content can be created easily and intuitively by Media editor

· No need other special editing applications

· No need any professional designer supports

Media Editor

Through simple drag & drop method, media can be created. Both video and image formats are supported.

Default screen image of media editor

1. Indicating of Current Step (Layout Step or content Step)

2. Template List & VW Monitor List (Drag & Drop to input the canvas)

3. Main Canvas (Editing work is on there)

4. Monitor Information (Size, Bezel, Resolution)

Step1: Define Layout

Create both regular and irregular layout

Monitor property and location can be checked easily

Select Template

① Select Embedded Template

② Drag & Drop to Canvas

Select Monitor

① Pop-up Monitor Selection

② Monitor Size defined by selected monitor

Edit Monitor Position

- Each Monitor can be re-positioned

- Property and Location comes up

Step2: Edit content

Input media content from PC for folder or Server

Check the preview, then register completed content on this stage

Input Media Contents

① Set input & output folder

② Drag & Drop to layout

Edit content

- Content can fit to single monitor

- One content covers all monitors

Preview & Register

- Check actual image by preview icon

- After editing, encoding will be start with register button clicking

Step3: Distribution with
SuperSign W

Open SuperSign W Server SW for the distribution

Content will be distributed with synchronization

Examples screen of regular format distribution in SuperSign media editor

Regular format distribution

① Create tile (2x2, 3x3…) *Max. 15x15

② Select content - only same type content works

③ Select Player - Synchronization only works on media player type

④ Distribution - Master player setting for sync, Time Setting

Example screen of The irregular format distribution in SuperSign media editor

Irregular format distribution

① Layout & content Selection - Layout list can import from the server or PC folder

② Select Player - Synchronization only works on media player type

③ Distribution - Master player setting for sync, Time Setting

For the usability enhancement, some features are updated

Extended More Layout

Support Standard Monitor