LGE Offer common

LG partnership program:
Unlock exclusive offers

Exclusively available to LG partners

How to sign-up

Sign up & get your email verified

1. Select a store

Choose the LG store for which you are eligible

2. Verify your company email

Verify your instititution email & get confirmation

3. Start shopping

Discover special offers tailored just for you! 

Become a member now!

Choose the store that matches your sector to access exclusive offers!

  1. Loyalty partnership

    This store is reserved for LG business partners with valid email domain to enjoy exclusive benefits!

  2. Government sector

    This store is for authorized government personnel with valid email domain to enjoy exclusive benefits!

  3. Academic sector

    This store is for students, educators, and academic staffs with valid email domain (edu.sa) to enjoy exclusive offers!

  4. Medical sector

    This store is for medical care and medical professionals with valid email domian to enjoy exclusive offers!

LG partnership benefits

If you would like to join this program, please visit us at https://www.lg.com/sa_en/support/contact-us/


Q1. What is the LG partnership program?

The LG partnership program is a dedicated platform for our valued business partners to access exclusive offers on LG products. This program caters to diverse industries, with special discounts and benefits to support our partners.

Q2. Who is eligible to join the LG partnership program?

Any business partner with LG:

a. Government Sector Store.

b. Academic Sector Store.

c. Medical Sector Store.

d. Loyalty Partnership Store.

Q3. Why am I receiving the message "You are not eligible to participate in the program" when attempting to log in?

This message indicates that your registration may not be complete. Or your email domain is not supported as LG partnership program.

Q4. What benefits do I receive as an LG Partner?

LG Partners gain access to exclusive discounts, early product releases, and dedicated support. Our program is designed to enhance business operations with cutting-edge LG technology and solutions.

Q5. How can I register for the LG partnership program?

Please contact us at https://www.lg.com/sa_en/support/contact-us
Our team will review your information to confirm eligibility, and you'll receive an email with further instructions if approved.

Q6. Can I share my LG partnership program benefits with others?

Benefits are exclusive to registered LG Partners and should not be shared outside your organization. Unauthorized sharing may result in the suspension of membership privileges.

Q7. How can I track my order?

Once your order is confirmed, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can use it to monitor the delivery status on our website.

Q8. How long does delivery typically take?

Standard delivery times range from 1 to 10 business days, depending on your city.

Q9. Who can I contact if I have questions about the program?

For questions or support, please reach out to our dedicated LG partnership program support team via the contact information provided on our website. We’re here to help!

Q10. What should I do if I reach the purchase limit for the year?

If you reach the annual purchase limit, we recommend contacting our support team to discuss additional options or eligibility for other LG programs that may suit your needs.

Q11. Are there any return or exchange policies for purchases made through LG partnership program?

Yes, purchases made through LG partnership program follow the same return and exchange policies as those on LG.com. Please refer to our Return Policy page for detailed information.

Q1. Who is eligible to access the Loyalty partnership store?

Only authorized Loyalty Partnership personnel are eligible to participate in this program.

Q2. How do I enrol in the Loyalty partnership store?

To inquire about joining the program, please contact your HR department if your workplace has joined to Loyalty partnership store. 

Q3. Is an LG account necessary to access the Loyalty partnership store?

Yes, you must have an LG account for verification to access Loyalty partnership store benefits.

Q4. What products are available through the Loyalty partnership store?

Loyalty partnership store offers exclusive discounts on a wide range of LG products listed on LG.com.

Q5. What payment methods are accepted in the Loyalty partnership store?

Loyalty partnership store accepts various payment methods, including major credit/debit cards and Tamara.

Q6. Are there any return or exchange policies for purchases made through Loyalty partnership store?

Yes, purchases made through Loyalty partnership store follow the same return and exchange
policies as those on LG.com. Please refer to our Return Policy page for detailed information.

Q7. Can I cancel or modify my order after it has been placed?

You may cancel or modify your order before it has been processed for shipping. Please contact customer support immediately if you wish to make changes.

Q1. Who is eligible to access the Government sector store?

Only authorized government personnel are eligible to participate in this program. 

Q2. How do I enrol in the Government sector store?

To inquire about joining the program, please contact your HR department if your workplace has joined to Government sector store. 

Q3. Is an LG account necessary to access the Government sector store?

Yes, you must have an LG account for verification to access Government sector store benefits.

Q4. What products are available through the Government sector store?

Government sector store offers exclusive discounts on a wide range of LG products listed on LG.com.

Q5. What payment methods are accepted in the Government sector store?

Government sector store accepts various payment methods, including major credit/debit cards and Tamara.

Q6. Are there any return or exchange policies for purchases made through the Government sector store?

Yes, purchases made through the partner shop follow the same return and exchange policies as those on LG.com. Please refer to our Return Policy page for detailed information.

Q7. Can I cancel or modify my order after it has been placed?

You may cancel or modify your order before it has been processed for shipping. Please contact customer support immediately if you wish to make changes.

Q1. Who is eligible to access the Academic sector store?

Only authorized Academic personnel are eligible to participate in this program.

Q2. How do I enrol in the Academic sector store?

To inquire about joining the program, please contact your HR department if your workplace has joined to Academic sector store. 

Q3. Is an LG account necessary to access the Academic sector store?

Yes, you must have an LG account for verification to access Academic sector store benefits.

Q4. What products are available through the Academic sector store?

Academic sector store offers exclusive discounts on a wide range of LG products listed on LG.com.

Q5. What payment methods are accepted in Academic sector store?

Academic sector store accepts various payment methods, including major credit/debit cards and Tamara.

Q6. Are there any return or exchange policies for purchases made through Academic sector store?

Yes, purchases made through the partner shop follow the same return and exchange policies as those on LG.com. Please refer to our Return Policy page for detailed information.

Q7. Can I cancel or modify my order after it has been placed?

You may cancel or modify your order before it has been processed for shipping. Please contact customer support immediately if you wish to make changes.

Q1. Who is eligible to access the Medical sector store?

Only authorized Medical sector personnel are eligible to participate in this program.

Q2. How do I enrol in the Medical sector store?

To inquire about joining the program, please contact your HR department if your workplace has joined to Medical sector store. 

Q3. Is an LG account necessary to access the Medical sector store?

Yes, you must have an LG account for verification to access Medical sector store benefits.

Q4. What products are available through the Medical sector store?

Medical sector store offers exclusive discounts on a wide range of LG products listed on LG.com.

Q5. What payment methods are accepted in the Medical sector store?

Medical sector store accepts various payment methods, including major credit/debit cards and Tamara.

Q6. Are there any return or exchange policies for purchases made through the Medical sector store?

Yes, purchases made through the partner shop follow the same return and exchange policies as those on LG.com. Please refer to our Return Policy page for detailed information.

Q7. Can I cancel or modify my order after it has been placed?

You may cancel or modify your order before it has been processed for shipping. Please contact customer support immediately if you wish to make changes.